Share and collaborate

Share your reports and dashboards with everyone



Data explorer

Extend your applications with embedded reporting

smooth and quick integration into your web app to add business intelligence to your developments

Report and dashboard embed

Data explorer embed

Your data hub

Use our RESTFUL API interface to access your data through your semantic layers 


A universal RESTFUL API to access all your data. Through semantic layers!

Apply an abstraction layer to your data consumers, the WideStage universal RESTFUL API allow your users to access data in your repositories without writing SQL, without database  connections, etc.

All interaction is traced, like data volumes, data accessed, etc..

Do you need to share your data with clients or partners?

Trace all your client's activities through your RESTFUL API. See volumes, number of records downloaded, limit usage through quotas, etc.

And more ...

Advanced features 

Data cache

Speed up the latency of your most used queries using the intermediate cache.

Query log

Identify, search and visualize all executed queries against your connections


Add your own logos, personalize colors and CSS

See it in action

Access now our online demo

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London EF1 8FA
United Kingdom

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